Supermarket Rage

All the time | Road rage, Shopping humor, Grocery store

This past Sunday; against my better judgement; I decided to venture out to Sam’s Club and Georgetown Market (the Caribbean grocery store) to pick up a few totally unnecessary items. Because of the fact that I don’t like crowds and the last minute rushing; especially since covid-19 and its variants are still on a rampage; I already did my holiday in person grocery shopping weeks ago and gift buying online. But I was a tad bit bored in the house and really needed to get this particular cast iron pot that I needed to complete a set and I also needed to get Boost and Ensure at Sam’s for my dad.

The drive was unusually smooth for this time of year, so my road rage was not triggered or activated. My radio was tuned to The Blend on Sirius XM and I was grooving all the way to the stores.

When I got to Georgetown Market; as I anticipated; the store was full with my Caribbean folks getting all the traditional Christmas food and drink items that usually brings a taste of home to us right here in the US. Mask on, I grabbed a hand basket, picked-up my pot, a few plantains, avocados (must have), a piece of pumpkin, a can of coconut milk, and a pack of geera and quickly made my way to the check out line. Twenty five minutes later I was at the register and out of there.

Got to Sam’s club and mayhem was on! Nowhere to park and no carts for shopping! Luckily for me, as I pulled into the first lane I drove into, a car was backing out, and I was the only one there to nab that spot. I got out of my car, mask on, Clorox wipe in hand and headed for cart that they had just left in the lane. Off I went into the bowels of hell!

As I got into the store, the first thing I observed was the miles long lines to check out. Knowing that I only needed a few simple items and exactly where I needed to go to get them, I did exactly that and then made my way to being the very last person in a line of people that was about thirty deep; with over flowing carts upon carts. Unfortunately I was unable to use my scan and go app, so I had to brace myself and endure the line.

As I patiently and quietly stood in line, kids were running wild and crazy everywhere, people were busy strategizing where to go to get what, how much to get and where to meet up. All of a sudden I heard, “let me just move because you seem to be in an extra rush and if you bump me with that cart one more time….!” All eyes were now directed to the sound of the lady’s voice. She stopped a few steps away from where I was standing, moved her cart out of the way and allowed the lady behind her to quickly whiz by. She was stone faced, didn’t even blink or looked one bit bothered.

Behind my mask, I couldn’t help but to laugh thinking that that would be my exact reaction. I need to get to where I’m going and you’re in my way site seeing or looking for samples!? Move!!

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It pisses me off to no end to be at the grocery store and people just stop haphazardly as I walk behind them or just stand looking at stuff on the shelf seeing and knowing fully well that I or someone else is trying to get an item that they are standing in the way of – blocking! For peace sakes, get what you have to get and move! Someone else needs to get something there are well.

What irks me the MOST is people who leave their cart in the middle of the aisle like it’s a center piece blocking the way and then I have to be nice to say “excuse me!” to get your attention to move it – as if you’re stupid or blind and don’t see me and a lot more people behind and in front of you needing to get by. Did the manager opened the door exclusively for you to shop?

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Pull your cart out of the walk way if you stop to get something off of a shelf and be mindful; just like driving, don’t make sudden stops and pull your car off the road and onto the shoulder if you have and emergency or need to stop longer than necessary. If you’re a star gazer and you’re just in the store for amusement and you have to stop and touch or watch everything or you’re not in a rush, there are others who are.

Yes, I understand it’s Christmas and we need to be kinder and more patient, but this unfortunately this is not just a Christmas thing – it’s everyday; and people need to be a bit more considerate and mindful of their surroundings. Too often I get frustrated at people for the way the walk and push their carts around at the grocery store – the exact way they drive – all over the lane, sudden stops, rubber necking, too slow in the fast lane, too fast in the slow lane, parking like an idiot or just being down right discourteous! If you can’t push a cart in a store no wonder there are so many accidents on the roadways.

6 thoughts on “Supermarket Rage

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  1. Perfect headline!!! Lol
    Girl, I experience the same thing and feel the same way. I mean a little, just a little, consideration and that not-so-common common sense will go such a long way in treating with these situations eh.
    Hmmm, I wonder if indicators could be placed on trolleys? Mehhhh, they probably wouldn’t be used anyway

  2. I. FEEL. THIS.
    It’s the sameee! I went to the grocery, only needed a few items and this lady, unconcerned, bumped her cart into my heel. To make it worse, her husband realized what happened and apologized on her behalf and all she managed to say was, “Oh gosh, I bounce yuh foot?” and went along her merry way. STEUPS.

  3. Working in retail I experience this same rage, so I get it LOL!

    Also, I had a similar experience in Costco, right before Christmas. I swore I was over the holidays haha.

    This is where you learn patience!!!! LOL

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